We, Maya and Gili (MAGI), and our sons Neil and Kai, live in Vancouver BC, Canada. We love the great outdoors that are right at our doorstep. We enjoy hiking, skiing and cycling. We love travelling and mostly cycle touring, which has become quite an obsession by now. Our longest trip was before the kids were born. In 2013 we crossed Central America on our bikes over five months from Panama to Belize trough all seven countries in between, taking our sweet time to get to know the local communities, take a diving course and even volunteer at a bilingual school in Honduras.
In 2015 our oldest son Neil was born. We always knew that having kids would not stop us from cycle touring and since then we’ve done a bunch of cycle touring. When he was seven months old we went on our first cycling adventure as a family, three months in South Korea and Japan. Later we also cycle toured with him in France, New Zealand, different parts of the US, Hawaii and shorter trips close to home in BC, Canada. Neil now rides mostly on his own bike and he’s pretty much unstoppable. When he does get tired he sits on his dad’s yellow Bike Friday Haul-a-Day (AKA Big Bird).
In 2018 our second son Kai was born. Taking a year long parental leave was a great excuse to go on more bike adventures! When Kai was four months old we spent five weeks exploring the Dodecanese Islands of Greece, and later in the year we spent three months cycling in Japan and Taiwan. Kai adapted very quickly to riding in the trailer and he mostly likes to nap, sing, and look around during our bike rides. On this blog you will find trip reports from our adventures, videos from different bike trips as well as some random thoughts, travel tips, a little bit about our daily life and some recipes we like. We hope you’ll enjoy our blog!