Mt. Seymour: In Search for a Missing (Teddy) Bear

A few weekends ago we headed to Mt. Seymour. I think it’s the classic hike if you want to get the full outdoor experience but still stay close to the city. We just bought a new hiking carrier for Neil and we wanted to try it out before our big trip to the Rockies the weekend after.
It had been sunny for a long time, but the rain decided to come back that weekend. We still decided to go out and when it looked like it was clearing we got into the car for the short drive, making yet another great alpine start at 2pm.
The moment we put Neil in the hiking carrier he seemed to like it and felt right at home. We put his ‘favourite’ teddy bear Brompy (named after Brompton bikes – a long story…) right in front of him and started the familiar hike, while Neil chewed on Brompy’s ear, as he often does.

To our surprise there were already lots of blueberries and huckleberries to harvest along the way. It seemed a bit early, but we weren’t going to complain. The weather was on the grayish side (no rain though!), so there were few people on the trail. We did bump into two VOC’ers at the parking lot – they seemed to be on the same schedule as us, despite not having a baby.

After a couple of hours we made it to the First Pump. We thought we would have to stop sooner so I could feed Neil, but he fell asleep, leaning right over in an awkward position, but he didn’t seem to mind. It was quite chilly and windy on the top, but we found a place to hide and all of us had a late lunch. We could see Indian Arm far below us. We decided that there was no point in continuing farther in the cold and gray weather, so we turned around and hiked back down.

Neil gave us his latest chant all the way down that went something like “Agagaga agagagaga” and so on, but at some point I noticed that Brompy was no longer in the carrier! That was an emergency, at least for us, since we decided that he was Neil’s favourite stuffed animal. Gili left Neil and I near a berry bush (which I didn’t mind) and ran back up to the last place we suspected Brompy was left. To our relief he was found and all was well. After Gili got his share of berries we hiked back down, Brompy in tow.
It seemed like Persian food was in order, so we headed once again to Yaas Bazaar in North Vancouver to fill our hunger. The hiking carrier worked, Brompy was found, so all in all a good day!