Point Roberts Loop: Cycling a Forgotten Piece of the USA
Point Roberts is a weird forgotten piece of the USA. It is landlocked by Canada, but lies south of the 49th parallel, the arbitrary border line. By any reasonable account it should have been part of British Columbia, and not Washington State. As ridiculous as it sounds, the school buses, garbage trucks and US postal service vehicles all travel from the rest of Washington State, cross the border into Canada, and then cross the border again into Point Roberts.
Like many residents of the lower mainland of British Columbia I have often been to Point Roberts. Why, you ask? Well, to pick up packages of course. The USA is the land of shopping, and as such has lower prices, free shipping, lower taxes, and all that good stuff. There are a number of businesses in Point Roberts whose sole reason for existence is as a place for Canadians to pick up their treasured packages.
Anyway, it so happened that I had to go to Point Roberts again. I often bring my bicycle, to bypass the lineup at the border, but this time I decided to go exploring. It turns out that it is possible to make a loop right around Point Roberts. It’s a scenic cycling loop, with some beautiful open beaches, views of Mt. Baker and many bald eagles. The roads are quiet, and the feeling is reminiscent of the San Juan Islands. This is a great place to get away from the city without taking a ferry or going very far. Here are some photos I took along the way.


Thanks to Let’s Go Biking for the map:
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