Snow and Sun: Dad’s Visit to Snowlandia

After the weekend we spent in San Diego, my dad visited us for just over a week. We did lots of fun stuff around the city and also spent a weekend at a beautiful B&B near Pemberton. On the way up we made a few stops, including the viewpoint at Cypress, Shannon Falls, Brandywine Falls and more.
Turns out there’s a beautiful beach in Squamish called Nexen Beach. You can park a few km’s away and walk along a nice trail, or drive right up to it. They even have some public slacklines set up there.

We spent a while lounging in the sun in Whistler, enjoying the live outdoor music that day and the ice cream at Cows (the waffles have a wonderful almond flavor). The B&B where we stayed, The Cottage B&B on Lillooet Lake, on Lillooet Lake, has a deck right on the water, perfect for suntanning, relaxing, doing pilates, sleeping

or for taking photos with your loved ones.

We also managed a bit of snowshoeing at Joffre Lakes, a picnic on the shore of the frozen Duffey Lake and a short hike to Nairn Falls. My dad’s wonder at the sight of all the snow took me back to our first snowy trip in BC, which was also a snowshoeing trip to Joffre Lakes, but on a gloomy wet weekend, nevertheless a new and exciting experience for us.