Brew Hut: or How My Finger Almost Fell Off
A few highlights from a trip to Brew Hut a few weekends ago:
After a grey and drizzly morning, the weather cleared in the afternoon, just as we were breaking out into the alpine. There is so much snow, that the orange trail markers in the meadows are almost buried.
A piece of our Brew Hut fell off a while ago. Roland located stronger replacement pieces of flashing in the scrap pile of a metal shop. I towed two of these pieces up, which will hopefully be installed by a work party in the next few weeks. Towing the flashing was easy on the logging road, although by the time we reached the trailhead, my lower back was starting to ache due to the constant pulling (nothing that a lunch break couldn’t solve…). Pulling it through the trees proved a bit more interesting. Stephanie and Clemens lugged up the repaired (thanks to Roland) Coleman stove and Elizabeth carried up the screws for the flashing.
Ah, yes! The flashing fell off my pack and when reattaching it I cut my finger (it is sharp on one side). When Roland arrived at the bloody scene, he asked what happened? and I replied “it fell off”, and of course I meant the flashing, but for a moment there I seemed to imply that my finger had fallen off…
It took us a long while to find the woodshed, it is the small hole in the snow on the bottom left (see photo below). We probed for it, but kept on thinking we were hitting rocks (“surely the wood shed can’t be THAT deep”).
On the morning of the second day, the snowshoers headed down, while the skiers (all three of us) went skiing.
We had excellent corn snow for a while, but then the crust started breaking up so we had lunch and headed down.
Just as we came out of the trees, we saw a large avalanche come crashing down the opposite side of Roe Creek.
Two carloads stopped at the Woodshed for some food – the location, right on the shore of the Squamish River, can’t be beat.