• Backcountry Skiing,  Birkenhead,  British Columbia (and nearby),  Trip Reports,  Varsity Outdoor Club (VOC)

    Phelix Hut: Pre New Year’s Trip and Blisters

    We decided to spend four days at the Phelix Hut. We woke up early for the long drive – about three and a half hours north of Vancouver, past Pemberton, and up a logging road. Luckily this logging road is plowed semi-regularly, and it was in easy driving condition. On the way in I heard on the radio that the temperature at Pemberton was -13c, and of course we were going to be about 1500m higher than that… We were happy to find a vehicle parked at the trail head, since it meant that we would have a broken trail to follow. The first part was along a logging road…

  • Baking

    New Recipes From the Baking Project

    New recipes from the Baking Project: 1. Chocolate Croissants: http://homecooking.about.com/od/breadrecipes/r/blbread91.htm מאפה תפוחים עם קרם וניל ומרנג (אהרוני – ארוחות ערוכות.2.) 3.Chocolate Lemon Tart – Baking 164 4.Lemon Mousse Cheese Cake (give it enough time in the fridge) – baking 238 5.Chocolate Orange Bread – The home baker 173 לחמניות להמבורגר -אורנה ואלה 6.66 מוס שוקולד 1 – מנות אחרונות אהרוני 7.102 עוגת לימון – אהרוני, ארוחות ערוכות. עמ’ 8.187. 9. Lemon Delicious – The essential dessert cookbook – p. 173 10. Cheese and Onion Quiche – Best Ever Pastry p. 90 11. Self-Saucing Chocolate Pudding – The essential dessert cookbook p. 172 (OK, but texture is a bit weird) 12.…